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Podcast featuring CEO, Margaret Dechant
Want to hear what it really took to launch 6 Meridian? CEO, Margaret Dechant joined Mindy Diamond of Diamond Consultants on Mindy’s…
06.03.19 Next GenerationInsurance When You’re Newly Married
Assess the coverage for your new household.
05.31.19 NewsEvent Recap- Ladies Luncheon at Botanica
May 23, 2019 Presented by6 Meridian | Reuben SaundersSponsored by Goldman Gray clouds couldn’t dampen the brightness of our annual…
05.24.19 Estate PlanningRetirement and Adult Children
Supporting family can put a crimp in your strategy.
05.20.19 Estate PlanningMajor Risks to Family Wealth
Will your accumulated assets be threatened by them?
05.10.19 May 2019 ViewpointViewpoint- May 2019
Is it time to pay down debt or invest?
05.10.19 NewsBowling for Kids Sake!
Team members combined two of their favorite pastimes…Bowling and BINGO for the annual Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters Serving Sedgwick…
04.26.19 Next GenerationInsurance When You’re Young and Single
Coverage can be a great comfort, even in youth.
04.12.19 Estate PlanningTeaching Your Heirs to Value Your Wealth
Values can help determine goals & a clear purpose.
04.08.19 April 2019 ViewpointViewpoint- April 2019
The last 10 years…
04.08.19 ResourcesWise Decisions with Retirement in Mind
Certain financial & lifestyle choices may lead you toward a better future.
04.05.19 Estate PlanningThe Chapters of Retirement
The five phases of life after 50 & the considerations that accompany them.